Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Middle Name Game!

I have been tagged by Suzanne of Peartree Primitives to do the Middle Name Game! I have to take each letter of my middle name and name one of my characteristics. Okay, here goes!!
L-Loving Mom
Y-young at heart
N-Needs to create constantly
N-Never likes to be rushed(according to my hubby...he's always ready to leave and I always need a few more minutes)

Now, for each letter of my name...I have to tag someone I tag:
Deena/Sweet Annee, Barb/Hallowed Hills Primitives, Sarah/Hallowed Hills Primitives, and Sylvia/Sylvia Anderson!


Suzanne said...

Great job, Lorraine Lynn!:) Thanks for playing.

Sylvia Anderson said...

Thanks for the tag....and I was tagged by another friend too, but since I don't have a middle name, I cheated a bit! ;)